Health Knows No Borders: Help Us Make a Global Impact!

Better Family Life is dedicated to transforming the healthcare landscape of rural villages and communities. Inspired by Mauricio Miller's vision from Peer Driven Change, we believe in empowering everyday people in rural areas to control and lead their own change, fostering self-help and collective efforts. Our approach supports communities in addressing their needs independently, even before relying on external programs and institutions.

With limited healthcare access in these areas, we are committed to constructing new clinics and improving clean water supplies, equipping these deserving communities with the vital tools they need for a healthier tomorrow. By encouraging and supporting resident-led initiatives, we aim to build sustainable, resilient healthcare solutions that reflect the true needs and strengths of the communities we serve.

Join the Global Health Movement with Better Family Life

Our organization is profoundly committed to driving impactful health initiatives that serve communities in need. The cornerstone of our mission is to ensure that we significantly improve healthcare accessibility in underserved areas. To achieve this noble goal, we are wholly dependent on the generosity of individuals and organizations who donate medical equipment. Furthermore, we seek financial support for a cause that is essential to human wellbeing: the construction and meticulous maintenance of health centers.

Moreover, the development of clean water systems remains a crucial part of our agenda, as these play a significant role in preventing disease and promoting overall health. We understand that such resources are indispensable to paving the way for a healthier future for these populations. Both the physical contributions of medical supplies and monetary donations are channelled directly towards nurturing and reinforcing the medical infrastructure, which in return, facilitates prolonged and enhanced access to medical care. The continuation of these efforts relies heavily on the support from donors who resonate with our vision of cultivating improved health environments. By extending your support, you directly influence the lives of individuals who are in dire need of the basic healthcare services that many take for granted.


What is the health status of people living in rural areas of West Africa?

People living in rural areas of West Africa generally have poorer health outcomes compared to urban populations due to limited access to healthcare services, lower educational levels, and higher rates of poverty. Source: World Bank

How does access to healthcare in rural areas of Africa compare to urban areas?

Access to healthcare in rural areas of Africa is significantly lower than in urban areas. Rural populations often face long travel distances to reach healthcare facilities, a shortage of healthcare professionals, and limited availability of medical supplies and services. Source: WHO

How does maternal health in rural Africa compare to urban areas?

Maternal health outcomes are generally poorer in rural Africa compared to urban areas. This disparity is due to limited access to skilled birth attendants, emergency obstetric care, and health education. Rural women often face higher risks of maternal mortality and morbidity. Source: WHO